StudioSeeds Inspire!
Suze Bienaimee, Artist
Painting, Poetry, Photography, Sculpture, Video, Mixed-media, Mud-pie-maker, Laughter Specialist, Listener, Pushcart Prize Nominee, @StudioSeeds Tweeter, @StudioSeeds_Inspire, on Instagram and so on…
I’m very curious what inspires people and how it feeds creativity. The conversations here on, Tweets @StudioSeeds, Instagram posts @StudioSeeds_Inspire as well as on Facebook @StudioSeeds are to explore inspiration and creativity.
To find out more about me: Featured Artist Poetry Tribute to James Lee Byars, Artist, as Guest Blogger
@StudioSeeds: Twitter
@StudioSeeds_Inspire: Instagram
@StudioSeeds: Facebook
My goal as an interdisciplinary artist and poet is to bring peace one viewer/reader at a time. To contribute beauty to the world with healing intensity, be a source of light during dark times.